Choosing eLearning question types in Gomo

eLearning question types in Gomo

When you’re creating your own eLearning, it’s important that you understand the difference between question types so that you’re assessing your learners effectively. Find out more about the question types available in your eLearning authoring tool and how they can be integrated into your Gomo course.

The Gomo team went on to revisit this topic in more depth. Read:

13 things you should know about eLearning assessments and quizzes

The dropdown Gomo asset allows the learner to select the correct answer from a list of options. This can be related to a graphic asset also on the page, and presents the learners with a variety of potential answers. The benefit of a dropdown is that it takes up less space on the screen, as it expands and collapses when clicked.

Multiple choice

The multiple choice question asset is similar to the dropdown insofar as it lets the learner choose from a list of options presented to them. However, unlike the dropdown menu, all of the answers are visible at once, so it can be useful when the learner is asked to choose between subtly different answers or needs to see the possible responses alongside other information on the screen.

Select from list

Choosing a select from list question asset means your learners can select more than one correct answer. This is useful for questions such as ‘Which of the following are true?’ where more than one statement is correct. It can also be used with graphic assets, which may be used in a question such as ‘Which of these images shows products from our new range?’.


The hotspot asset invites learners to locate relevant points on an image in response to a question. For example, you could ask learners to identify health and safety issues on a photo of an office to check that they understand how to spot risks. You can then provide tailored feedback on each of the points, for instance ‘That is correct, you found the coffee cup on the computer. This is dangerous because...’

Text input

Text input allows for a more freeform response to get the learner thinking about some of the issues they have covered for themselves. It can provide a more holistic, reflective approach to a question, where the problem-solving aspect or emotional response is more important than a ‘right or wrong’ answer. It can be used as a form of journal or learning log to help the user draw on their experiences from the eLearning course as a whole.

Start experimenting today!

Sign up for your free trial to experiment with the question assets available in Gomo yourself.